Project Earth Rock is a
musical climate change curriculum to inspire your
Key Stage 2/Second level pupils
"The lesson plans are easy to use and challenge the children’s thinking"
musical climate change curriculum to inspire your
Key Stage 2/Second level pupils
"The lesson plans are easy to use and challenge the children’s thinking"

Your eco awards

The 12 themes create a comprehensive sustainability curriculum and each has its own multimedia package.
- Saving energy
- Pupil voice
- Recycling
- Water use awareness
- Fossil fuels
- Carbon footprints
- Low carbon diets
- Active and healthy travel
- Composting
- Making a difference
- Impact of aviation
- Rainforests
What's in the package?
For each theme you get a complete
ready-to-use multimedia resource pack consisting of:
ready-to-use multimedia resource pack consisting of:

What are the benefits?

What people are saying about Project Earth Rock
What people are saying about Project Earth Rock
"I have loved using Project Earth Rock with our pupils. The songs are engaging and interesting and support well what we are trying to achieve through the music curriculum. The lesson plans are clear and easy to use and challenge the children’s thinking on a range of environmental issues."
Elaine Parmiter
Teacher and music lead at Kemble Primary School
"I think the materials that you are producing are ideal... it is educating the teacher at the same time as educating the children. Using the arts and music is a fantastic way to embed the basic knowledge as well as getting the children curious about the subject."
David Dixon
Author of 'Leadership for Sustainability - Saving the Planet one school at a time', Climate Change Education Consultant
"It has been a privilege to watch the Project Earth Rock lessons being taught to classes of school children. It has been fascinating to witness the children acquire knowledge, make connections and ask critical questions about different environmental topics, as well as sing and dance along to the songs and eagerly request to watch the animations!"
Dr Victoria Circus
Environmental Education Researcher
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